"Abstracter is a blackened sludge-doom band with crust influences hailing from Oakland CA, founded in 2010 by Robin Kahn and Mattia Alagna
with the intent of creating the darkest, bleakest, and most punishing music they could come up with. Influenced by legendary bands like
Swans, Amebix, Godflesh, Corrupted, His Hero Is Gone, and Blut Aus Nord. Abstracter have released two acclaimed albums to date (2012's "Tomb
of Feathers" and 2015's "Wound Empire") and have shared the stage with bands like Primitive Man, Hexis, Eyehategod, Bell Witch, Mass Grave,
Noothgrush, Buried At Sea, Unearthly Trance, Acephalix, Sleep, Graves At Sea and many more, presenting the world with their own brand of
apocalyptic, hopeless and darkness-fueled music driven by crushing, grim, and dissonant guitar work, apocalyptic themes and lyrical content,
and absolutely blood-freezing and plague-ridden atmospheres.
Dark Circles is a hardcore band from Montreal, Quebec. After the release of their first LP “MMXIV” they have toured Europe, and worked
towards an upcoming split with Abstracter. Onward, Dark Circles continues to create and perform."